
· 阅读需 1 分钟
Liangchao Deng

Crop Cultivation and Farming System PhD, mainly researching plant models and phenotypic equipment to study the phenotypic traits and photosynthetic physiology of crops such as cotton, committed to providing reasonable and reliable design solutions for improving high light efficiency crops.





Awards and Honors


· 阅读需 1 分钟
Liangchao Deng

Tutorialdocs directory.

Simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the blog directory.

Regular blog authors can be added to authors.yml.

The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:

  • 2000-04-01--welcome.md
  • 2000-04-01--welcome/index.md

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The blog supports tags as well!

· 阅读需 1 分钟
Liangchao Deng

Blog posts support Docusaurus Markdown features, such as MDX.


Use the power of React to create interactive blog posts.

<button onClick={() => alert('button clicked!')}>Click me!</button>

· 阅读需 1 分钟
Liangchao Deng

Welcome to Deng Liangchao's personal website 👏, I will share my daily updates, learning materials, and academic achievements here, hoping that my work can be helpful to you. If you have any questions to consult, please feel free to leave a comment in my comment section for discussion.


The website is powered byDocusaurus blogging features and Github page.

comicmc image

And if you don't want a blog: just delete this directory, and use blog: false in your Docusaurus config.